Nonfiction Writers Caucus

So Rory Owen Delaney and P.G. Banker were accepted into the Writers Guild of America nonfiction writers caucus this week for our work on the documentary TOXIC SOUP, and I got my official ID card below. Among other benefits, this means that we get:

  • All Guild mailings, communications and WGAW publications
  • The right to attend all Caucu membership functions including seminars, panels and New Member Dialogues
  • The right to serve on Caucus committees
  • The right to use the GUild's Script Registration Service at the reduced rate available to WGA members
  • The right to join the WGAW Film Society

Graff Lab Movie Photos

Been taking a lot more still photos now that I have a Canon 7d. I took these photographs on Saturday, 3/24/12 at the Graff Lab. I have some more photos that I took on Sunday, 3/25/12 but I haven't had a chance to deal with them yet. I got the completed mural and a bunch more shots of some of the big pieces that I hadn't gotten due to cars being parked in front of them. On Saturday there was a British musician there all day shooting his music video. Not sure who it was. Anyone know who the guy is? He's holding a guitar and wearing a blazer in a few of the photos. Also, the Canon 7d came in really handy when I walked a couple blocks down Venice toward the Staples Center and ended up getting free tacos in exchange for taking a couple pictures. The tacos were the bomb; thank you, Mystery Taco Lady!