Bomb It 2 Due Out in Spring 2013

I'm excited to let everyone know that "Bomb It 2," the sequel to the seminal global graffiti documentary "Bomb It," will be released in the Spring of 2013. A new website is under construction and a graffiti filmmaking contest will soon be announced. More details to follow. [youtube id="UQIq0rtux6o" width="560" height="340"]

Sahaya Int'l Doc Narrated by Jeremy Irons

The Sahaya International documentary that I edited about the AIDS epidemic in rural India is almost done. There are still a few tweaks that need to be made, but it is 95% there. Check out the narration by Jeremy Irons and the music by Enya. The documentary will premiere at UC Davis in early 2013. Please support Sahaya International; they are changing lives! [vimeo id="52198147" width="560" height="340"]