From super 8mm to 1080p HD we've traveled from the hills of eastern Kentucky to New York City and beyond to bring you the best content. Features music by Aaron Howard @ [vimeo id="12545068" width="560" height="340"] Interview
A new interview with "Toxic Soup" Director Rory Owen Delaney went live on Jason Brubaker's is a great how-to resource for independent filmmakers that has in the past featured interviews with Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and more.
A few years back, while flying aboard a loud propeller driven airplane somewhere over the snow capped mountains of Colorado, I heard the guy in front of me talking to his girlfriend about an idea for a movie. Since I had just finished production on my second feature, I felt compelled to chime in. And when I heard his movie pitch, I just had to help. . .
Fast forward to today and filmmaker Rory Delaney is getting a ton of buzz on the film festival circuit for his feature documentary, Toxic Soup. The movie exposes corporate carelessness and profiles everyday people afflicted by the Toxic Soup dumped in their back yards. (And yes, I am one of the producers of this movie. After you see it, you’ll understand why this story can’t be ignored.)
Jason Brubaker
Where did you get the idea for “Toxic Soup”?
Rory Delaney
I got the idea for “Toxic Soup” when I met West Virginian Kyle Stratton Crace in Los Angeles. Being in LA we got to talking about movies of course. I told Kyle that I was from Kentucky and had edited a documentary “Method in the Mountains,” which was shot in West Virginia. In turn, Kyle talked about growing up in Charleston, WV, in what is known as the Chemical Valley.
Jason Brubaker
Chemical Valley? Sounds like a horror movie. Why do they call it that?
Rory Delaney
At one time West Virginia had the heaviest concentration of chemical plants in the world. After Kyle spoke about the health effects that his family and friends had experienced as a result of their residence in the area, I thought it had the makings of a great documentary. Additional research affirmed my suspicions, and then an early test shoot erased all remaining doubts.