Big Burning Dumpster Fire

Season Two of “LEONARD: Political Prisoner” continues with Episode Seven, “Big Burning Dumpster Fire.” Thank you to reporter Jen Bendery with the Huffington Post for sharing her time with us.

Summary: Reporter Jen Bendery from the Huffington Post details the process she endured to obtain a phone interview with America’s longest serving indigenous prisoner, the growing political support for Leonard in Washington, DC, and the biggest impediment to his freedom: the FBI.

Description: Journalist Jen Bendery has been reporting on Leonard Peltier’s case for the Huffington Post for the last two years. In this one-on-one interview we chat with Jen about the Biden administration’s strides for Native Americans, missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) including the disappearance of Jancita Eagle Deer, and how a reporter’s routine request for a status update from the Office of the Pardon Attorney put her on the FBI’s radar.