Graff Lab Documentary

Yesterday was the first day of shooting for a new documentary I'm directing on The Graff Lab and the Pico Union Housing Corporation located off of Venice and Union here in Los Angeles.

The Graff Lab is known throughout the graffiti community as a national treasure that produces and encompasses the best Los Angeles free style aerosol art in an effort to encourage and support the right to self-expression and the creation of art and culture that does not infringe on the rights of others.

The documentary will go beyond the Graff Lab to document the work of the Pico Union Housing Corporation, the group from which the Graff Lab was born. You can read more about the Pico Union Housing Corporation here.

In any event, I drove up to Malibu with friends Dario Davis and Matt Berger where the Graff Lab crew was enjoying a day of relaxation at the 28 acre Bony Pony Ranch courtesy of Dr. Frank Ryan. En route we stopped at an antique shop off the side of the road where young Berger bought a Winston acoustic guitar for $50 after bumping into Garey Busey getting his mail in his pjs.

But back to the Bony Pony Ranch... that place is awesome. Dr. Ryan has llamas, long horns, buffalo, goats, donkeys, ponies as well as an enormous tipi village. Before Dr. Ryan acquired the ranch it was owned by country singer and actor Dwight Yoakam. That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates on the Graff Lab documentary.

3nvious Video

Here is the latest music video for 3nvious entitled "Go Hard." The hardest / best part of making this music video was scouring Los Angeles for the best graffiti spots. And I think we found some of them... Directed by Rory Owen Delaney... Shot by Rory Owen Delaney & Kenny Lorenzana... Edited by Rory Owen Delaney... Special thanks to Kenny Lorenzana, Tony Toledo & Frank Montero. [vimeo id="13347193" width="560" height="340"]